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Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft CorporationB OriginalFilenameCOMDLG32.OCX2 ProductNameCMDIALOG8 ProductVersion5.00.3714:CommentsJanuary 14, 1997(OLESelfRegisterDVarFileInfo$Translation MSFT Q @ @ " 8 (d,X l p8`\D8@8 !8@HA A  !,<00hR R  !=@HLW W  !x@@`lh h  !$D x{ {  !J@  4!MhCP@ @ ($!\_%!\_&@ @ ` x<+/IPB+3o`QB+3o`dRB+3o`SB+3o`,TB+3o`UB+3o`t&X<+/I<+/I H0FFCPf0 0X -stdole2.tlbWWW 0 t4 X  H P|hD T P ` 8, ` 8XP < T `<L@H ,p Tt,h  t   t WMSComDlg8PrinterConstantsd8(ColorConstantsWW8. FileOpenConstantsWWW,8FontsConstantsWW8FErrorConstantsWW 8HelpConstantsWWWX 8`7ICommonDialogWWW8ICommonDialogEventsW  8oCommonDialog 0lcdlPDAllPagesWWW 0f[cdlPDCollate0McdlPDDisablePrintToFileW0FcdlPDHidePrintToFile0gcdlPDNoPageNumsW0cdlPDNoSelection0cdlPDNoWarningWW 0PcdlPDPageNumsWWW0cdlPDPrintSetupW0 :cdlPDPrintToFile 0&wcdlPDReturnDCWWW0cdlPDReturnDefaultWW 0wcdlPDReturnICWWW0RkcdlPDSelectionWW0cdlPDHelpButtonW0vcdlPDUseDevModeCopiesWWWd 0/UcdlCCRGBInitd 0cdlCCFullOpenWWWdH0cdlCCPreventFullOpend05vcdlCCHelpButtonW0cdlOFNReadOnlyWW0F4cdlOFNOverwritePromptWWW0cdlOFNHideReadOnlyWW0X|cdlOFNNoChangeDirWWW0vcdlOFNHelpButton0XcdlOFNNoValidate0$cdlOFNAllowMultiselectWW0[cdlOFNExtensionDifferent0@cdlOFNPathMustExistW0tcdlOFNFileMustExistW0͚cdlOFNCreatePromptWW40&KcdlOFNShareAware0 cdlOFNNoReadOnlyReturnWW0cdlOFNNoLongNamesWWW0cdlOFNExplorerWW0cdlOFNNoDereferenceLinks0PcdlOFNLongNamesW,0cdlCFScreenFonts,0ʠcdlCFPrinterFontsWWW,p 0_cdlCFBothWWW,x02cdlCFHelpButtonW, 0cdlCFEffects, 0RcdlCFApplyWW, 0 cdlCFANSIOnlyWWW,0)(cdlCFNoVectorFontsWW,X0PcdlCFNoSimulationsWW,0^cdlCFLimitSizeWW,0acdlCFFixedPitchOnlyW, 0?cdlCFScalableOnlyWWW, 0bcdlCFTTOnlyW,0acdlCFNoFaceSelWW,07cdlCFNoStyleSelW,0bcdlCFNoSizeSelWW0cdlInvalidPropertyValueWX0@cdlGetNotSupportedWW0{+cdlSetNotSupportedWW0cdlAlloc 0cdlCancelWWW04cdlDialogFailure09cdlFindResFailureWWW0 cdlHelpW0[cdlInitializationWWW0:-cdlLoadResFailureWWW0%cdlLoadStrFailureWWW0M|cdlLockResFailureWWW0B.cdlMemAllocFailureWW<0cdlMemLockFailureWWW 0.cdlNoFontsWW0)cdlBufferTooSmallWWW40YcdlInvalidFileNameWW0jcdlSubclassFailureWWt0cdlCreateICFailureWW 0JcdlDndmMismatchWP0[cdlGetDevModeFailWWW0ncdlInitFailureWW0scdlLoadDrvFailureWWWt0cdlNoDefaultPrnW 0mcdlNoDevices0)cdlParseFailureW0i7cdlPrinterCodesW0*cdlPrinterNotFoundWW0*cdlRetDefFailure 0cdlSetupFailureWh 0cdlNoTemplateWWW 0zcdlNoInstanceWWW0cdlHelpContextWWL 0;cdlHelpQuitW 0cdlHelpIndexp 0icdlHelpContentsW 0cdlHelpHelpOnHelpWWW0\cdlHelpSetIndexWp0 cdlHelpSetContentsWW00cdlHelpContextPopupW0cdlHelpForceFile 0cdlHelpKeyWW0cdlHelpCommandHelpWW00)cdlHelpPartialKeyWWWX_ActionW?psActionXjFileName [ pbstrFileNameWWWX ߄DialogTitleWrpbstrDialogTitleX;FilterWW pbstrFilterWXp yDefaultExtWW &pbstrDefaultExtWX( HelpCommandW psHelpCommandWWWXTHelpKeyW pbstrHelpKeyXτPrinterDefaultWWpbPrinterDefaultX4 ˟FilterIndexW ZpsFilterIndexWWWX /OHelpContextW plHelpContextWWWXFontSize !pfFontSizeWWXRActionWWX4 TMaxFileSizeW psMaxFileSizeWWWXehDCW%pihDCWWWXP FileTitleWWWopbstrFileTitleWWX~ShowOpenX GShowSaveX ShowColorWWWX ShowFontX 5ShowPrinterWXShowHelpXAboutBox#Microsoft Common Dialog Control 5.0WWW ComDlg32.OcxWW cmdlg96.hlpWWWPrinter Dialog Box ConstantsWWColor Dialog Box Constants#File Open/Save Dialog Box ConstantsWWWFonts Dialog Box ConstantsCommon Dialog Error ConstantsWHelp Constants1Sets or returns state of All Pages option button.W+Sets or returns state of Collate check box.WWW%Disables the Print to File check box.W-The Print to File check box is not displayed.W4Sets or returns the state of the Pages option buttonWW%Disables the Selection option button.W<Prevents a warning message when there is no default printer.WW5Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button.WEDisplays the Print Setup dialog box rather than the Print dialog box.W9Sets or returns the state of the Print to File check box.W3Returns a device context for the printer selection.WWWReturns default printer name.W9Returns an information context for the printer selection.W9Sets or returns the state of the Selection option button.W$Dialog box displays the Help button.WW!Sets support for multiple copies.W,Sets initial color value for the dialog box.WWKEntire dialog box is displayed, including the Define Custom Colors section.WWW<Disables the Define Custom Colors section of the dialog box.WW"Dialog box displays a Help button.=Checks Read Only check box for Open and Save As dialog boxes.W<Generates a message box if the selected file already exists.WWHides the Read Only check box.JSets the current directory to what it was when the dialog box was invoked.1Causes the dialog box to display the Help button.W4Allows invalid characters in the returned file name.WW:Allows the File Name list box to have multiple selections.LExtension of returned file name is different from the one set by DefaultExt.WW%User can enter only valid path names.W,User can enter only names of existing files.WWFAsks if the user wants to create a file that does not currently exist.)Sharing violation errors will be ignored.W<The returned file will not have the Read Only attribute set.WWNo long filenames.+Windows 95 Open A File dialog box template.WWW No shortcuts.WLong filenames.WWW;Dialog box lists only screen fonts supported by the system.WWW5Dialog box lists only fonts supported by the printer.W4Dialog box lists available screen and printer fonts.WW7Dialog enables strikeout, underline, and color effects.WWW$Dialog box enables the Apply button.WW@Dialog box allows only fonts that use the Windows character set.WW3Dialog box should not allow vector-font selections.WWWLDialog box should not allow graphic device interface (GDI) font simulations.WWHSelects font sizes within the range specified by Min and Max properties.WW0Dialog box should select only fixed-pitch fonts.WWLAllows only the selection of fonts available to both the screen and printer.WWGDisplays an error if a user selects a font or style that doesn't exist.WWW>Dialog box should allow only the selection of scaleable fonts.>Dialog box should allow only the selection of True Type fonts.No font name selected.No font style selected.WWWNo font size selected.Invalid property valueProperty is write-onlyProperty is read-onlyW0Couldn't allocate memory for FileName or Filter.WWCancel was selected.WW!Failed to show the common dialog.W1The function failed to load a specified resource.WCall to Windows Help failed.WW*The function failed during initialization./The function failed to load a specified string.WWW1The function failed to lock a specified resource.WHThe function was unable to allocate memory for internal data structures.WWDThe function was unable to lock the memory associated with a handle.WWNo fonts exist.WWW=The buffer at which the member LpstrFile points is too small.WFile name is invalid.WCAn attempt to subclass a listbox failed due to insufficient memory.WWWBThe PrintDlg function failed when creating an information context.EDevMode and DevNames data structures describe two different printers.WHThe printer-device driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure.WW3The PrintDlg function failed during initialization.WWWKThe PrintDlg function failed to load the specified printer's device driver.WWW!A default printer does not exist.W%No printer device-drivers were found.WBThe Common Dialog function failed to parse the strings in WIN.INI.HThe printer device driver failed to initialize a DevMode data structure.WWKThe [devices] section of WIN.INI does not contain an entry for the printer.WWW:The PDReturnDefault flag was set, but a field was nonzero. Setup failedWW(No template provided by the application.WW/Application did not provide an instance handle.WWW%Displays Help for a particular topic.WONotifies the Help application that the specified Help file is no longer in use.WWW.Displays the index of the specified Help file.5Displays the contents topic in the current Help file.W3Display Help for using the Help application itself.WWW+Set the current Index for multi-index Help.WWW2Designates a specific topic as the contents topic.0Displays a topic identified by a context number.WW8Creates a Help file that displays text in only one font.WW'Displays Help for a particular keyword.WWW'Displays Help for a particular command.WWW'Call the search engine in Windows Help.WWW6Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file.=Sets the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.WQReturns/sets the filters that are displayed in the Type list box of a dialog box.W?Returns/sets the default filename extension for the dialog box.WWW(Returns/sets the initial file directory.WW Returns/sets the selected color.WW"Sets the options for a dialog box.LSpecifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level.WWReturns/sets bold font styles. Returns/sets italic font styles.WW'Returns/sets strikethrough font styles.WWW#Returns/sets underline font styles.WWW8Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.WWRSets the smallest allowable font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).OReturns/sets the maximum font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).WWWHReturns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed.WWPIndicates whether an error is generated when the user chooses the Cancel button.WWCReturns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project.WWW/Returns/sets the type of online Help requested.WWWBReturns/sets the keyword that identifies the requested Help topic.fDetermines if user selections in the Print dialog box are used to change the default printer settings.@Returns/sets a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box.WW8Returns/sets the context ID of the requested Help topic.WWXSpecifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level.WW4Returns/sets the type of dialog box to be displayed.WWTReturns/sets the maximum size of the filename opened using the CommonDialog control.WWIReturns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context.WQReturns/sets the name (without the path) of the file to open or save at run time.W4Displays the CommonDialog control's Open dialog box.WW7Displays the CommonDialog control's Save As dialog box.WWW5Displays the CommonDialog control's Color dialog box.W3Displays the CommonDialog control's Font dialog boxWWW7Displays the CommonDialog control's Printer dialog box.WWW8Runs Winhelp.EXE and displays the Help file you specify.WW@@ @ @ @@WW(4B B (4C ,C (4D \D (4E E (4F F (4G G (4H H (4I TI (4@J J ( 4 K K ( 4L L ( 4M HM ( 4N hN ( 4O O (4P P (4Q Q @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@0Hl4Pp(Px@h0X(4S ,S (4T \T (4U U (4V V @@@@<(Px(4X X (4Y PY (4Z Z (4[ [ (4\ \ (4] 0] (4^ h^ (4_ _ (4` ` ( 4a a ( 4 b Lb ( 4@c c ( 4d d ( 4  (4e e (4f Df (4 g Tg @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@Xt4Xx4X(Px@h0X(4i hi (4j j (4k k (4l l (4m  m (4n T n (4o | o (4p  p (4q  q ( 4 r H r ( 4@s  s ( 4t  t ( 4u  u ( 4v d v (4w  w (4x  x (4y  y (4 z  z @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@t0Pp8T(Px@h0X(4||0 |(4H (4` (4| x | (4 (4  (4   (4  (4 < ( 4  ( 4 h ( 4  ( 4  ( 4  (4__d_(4O x (4O  (4OOO(4o  (4o \ (4o  (4ooo(4oo(o(4ooxo(4ooo(4o  (@4o  (4o T (4o  (@4o  (4~ ~ (4  @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@p<Pp ( H h < T p (Px@h0X Hp8`(4 P (4 x (4  (4  (4 4 (4 l (4  (4  (4  ( 4 @ ( 4 l ( 4  @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ 8 P h  4 T (Px@h$@LD $@ D!<$LD   <(D!  <,LD   <0D!  <4LD <  <8D! < <<LD   D < @D!  < DLD   t < HD!   < LLD    < PD!   <TLD $  <XD! $ <\LD H  <`D! H <dLD  (  <hD!   <lLD  (P <pD!   <tLD  ( <xD!   <|LD  ( <D!   <LD 0  <D! 0 <LD 0  <D! 0 <LD l < <D! l < LD!  ` <!D!   <"LD#   <#D!"  <$LD% ` ( <%D!$ `  <&LD'   <'D!&  <(LD)   <)D!(  <*LD+ 0 H <+D!* 0 <,LD- t (| <-D!, t  <.LD/   </D!.  <0LD1     <1D!0   <2LD3 \ 0 <3D!2 \ <4LD5   <5D!4  <6LD7  X <7D!6  <8LD9 H 8 <9D!8 H <:LD;   <;D!:  0< 4 <  0=4 =   0>4 > \ 0?4 ?  0@4 @  0A 4 A  B@$4 B  !"#t t , , ` `  88hh,,PPtt44``,,@@tt  8L$H8t(dTD4p$`P@|0 l \  L < x , h @p#Microsoft Common Dialog Control 5.0Printer Dialog Box Constants1Sets or returns state of All Pages option button.+Sets or returns state of Collate check box.%Disables the Print to File check box.-The Print to File check box is not displayed.4Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button%Disables the Selection option button.<Prevents a warning message when there is no default printer.5Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button.EDisplays the Print Setup dialog box rather than the Print dialog box.9Sets or returns the state of the Print to File check box.3Returns a device context for the printer selection.Returns default printer name.9Returns an information context for the printer selection.9Sets or returns the state of the Selection option button.TThe lStructSize member of the corresponding common-dialog data structure is invalid.,Application did not provide a hook function.)Couldn't determine procedure address(es).!Failed to show the common dialog.HThe printer device driver failed to initialize a DevMode data structure. Setup failedCommon Dialog Property Page$Dialog box displays the Help button.!Sets support for multiple copies.Color Dialog Box Constants,Sets initial color value for the dialog box.KEntire dialog box is displayed, including the Define Custom Colors section.<Disables the Define Custom Colors section of the dialog box."Dialog box displays a Help button.#File Open/Save Dialog Box Constants=Checks Read Only check box for Open and Save As dialog boxes.<Generates a message box if the selected file already exists.Hides the Read Only check box.JSets the current directory to what it was when the dialog box was invoked.1Causes the dialog box to display the Help button.4Allows invalid characters in the returned file name.:Allows the File Name list box to have multiple selections.LExtension of returned file name is different from the one set by DefaultExt.%User can enter only valid path names.,User can enter only names of existing files.FAsks if the user wants to create a file that does not currently exist.)Sharing violation errors will be ignored.<The returned file will not have the Read Only attribute set.+Windows 95 Open A File dialog box template. No shortcuts.Long filenames.Fonts Dialog Box Constants;Dialog box lists only screen fonts supported by the system.5Dialog box lists only fonts supported by the printer.4Dialog box lists available screen and printer fonts."Dialog box displays a Help button.7Dialog enables strikeout, underline, and color effects.$Dialog box enables the Apply button.@Dialog box allows only fonts that use the Windows character set.QReturns/sets the name (without the path) of the file to open or save at run time.4Displays the CommonDialog control's Open dialog box.7Displays the CommonDialog control's Save As dialog box.5Displays the CommonDialog control's Color dialog box.3Displays the CommonDialog control's Font dialog box7Displays the CommonDialog control's Printer dialog box.8Runs Winhelp.EXE and displays the Help file you specify.No long filenames.3Dialog box should not allow vector-font selections.LDialog box should not allow graphic device interface (GDI) font simulations.HSelects font sizes within the range specified by Min and Max properties.0Dialog box should select only fixed-pitch fonts.LAllows only the selection of fonts available to both the screen and printer.GDisplays an error if a user selects a font or style that doesn't exist.>Dialog box should allow only the selection of scaleable fonts.>Dialog box should allow only the selection of True Type fonts.No font name selected.No font style selected.No font size selected.Common Dialog Error Constants0Couldn't allocate memory for FileName or Filter.(No template provided by the application.1The function failed to load a specified resource.BThe Common Dialog function failed to parse the strings in WIN.INI.KThe [devices] section of WIN.INI does not contain an entry for the printer.:The PDReturnDefault flag was set, but a field was nonzero./Application did not provide an instance handle.Help Constants%Displays Help for a particular topic.ONotifies the Help application that the specified Help file is no longer in use..Displays the index of the specified Help file.5Displays the contents topic in the current Help file.3Display Help for using the Help application itself.+Set the current Index for multi-index Help.2Designates a specific topic as the contents topic.0Displays a topic identified by a context number.8Creates a Help file that displays text in only one font.'Displays Help for a particular keyword.'Displays Help for a particular command.'Call the search engine in Windows Help.6Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file.=Sets the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.QReturns/sets the filters that are displayed in the Type list box of a dialog box.?Returns/sets the default filename extension for the dialog box.(Returns/sets the initial file directory. Returns/sets the selected color."Sets the options for a dialog box.LSpecifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level.Returns/sets bold font styles. Returns/sets italic font styles.'Returns/sets strikethrough font styles.#Returns/sets underline font styles.8Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.8Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.RSets the smallest allowable font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).OReturns/sets the maximum font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).HReturns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed.PIndicates whether an error is generated when the user chooses the Cancel button.CReturns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project./Returns/sets the type of online Help requested.BReturns/sets the keyword that identifies the requested Help topic.fDetermines if user selections in the Print dialog box are used to change the default printer settings.@Returns/sets a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box.8Returns/sets the context ID of the requested Help topic.XSpecifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level.4Returns/sets the type of dialog box to be displayed.TReturns/sets the maximum size of the filename opened using the CommonDialog control.IReturns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context.Invalid property valueProperty is read-onlyProperty is write-only*Low on memory! Can't bring up the dialog!BCouldn't determine procedure address(es). Select a different DLL. DLL Selected couldn't be loaded.Cancel was selected.The ENABLEHOOK flag was set in the Flags member of a common-dialog data structure but the application failed to provide a pointer to a corresponding hook function.RThe common dialog function was unable to lock the memory associated with a handle.VThe common dialog function was unable to allocate memory for internal data structures.?The common dialog function failed to lock a specified resource.?The common dialog function failed to load a specified resource.?The common dialog function failed to find a specified resource.=The common dialog function failed to load a specified string.The ENABLETEMPLATE flag was set in the Flags member of a common-dialog data structure, but the application failed to provide a corresponding instance handle.The ENABLETEMPLATE flag was set in the Flags member of a common-dialog data structure but the application failed to provide a corresponding template.wThe common dialog function failed during initialization. This error often occurs when insufficient memory is available.TThe lStructSize member of the corresponding common-dialog data structure is invalid.Call to Windows Help failed.*The function failed during initialization.1The function failed to load a specified resource./The function failed to load a specified string.1The function failed to lock a specified resource.HThe function was unable to allocate memory for internal data structures.DThe function was unable to lock the memory associated with a handle.=The buffer at which the member LpstrFile points is too small.File name is invalid.BThe PrintDlg function failed when creating an information context.EDevMode and DevNames data structures describe two different printers.HThe printer-device driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure.No fonts exist.[The FileName buffer is too small to store the selected file name(s). (Increase MaxFileSize)Invalid filenameCAn attempt to subclass a listbox failed due to insufficient memory.]The [devices] section of the file WIN.INI did not contain an entry for the requested printer.PThe PrintDlg function failed when it attempted to create an information context.VThe data in the DEVMODE and DEVNAMES data structures describes two different printers.!A default printer does not exist.%No printer device-drivers were found.3The PrintDlg function failed during initialization.The printer device-driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure. (This error constant only applies to printer drivers written for Windows 3.0 or later versions.)KThe PrintDlg function failed to load the specified printer's device driver.The PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag was set in the Flags member of the PRINTDLG data structure but either the hDevMode or hDevNames field were nonzero.dThe common dialog function failed to parse the strings in the [devices] section of the file WIN.INI.'Help call fail. Check Help properties.Common Dialogs ControlOpen / Save AsColorPrintHelpFont P&ropertiesCmDlg|222222222233z334\4 6]6g666666666667"7.767G7Y7^7d7i7s7x7777777778r88888888888999 99999 9$9(9,90949:9J9W99: :F:N:V:\:::i;t;;;;;"<6<<==============> >>>>$>+>1>>>>>>>>>>>>?? ?$?(?,?0?8?>>??0V0j0~00000000000000[1j2s2z222222222222222223`3d3h3l3p3t3x3|333333333333333333333333333333444 44444 4$4(4,4044484@4D4H4L4P4T4X4`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|4444444444444444444444455555#5*51585?5F5M5Z55555666 66666 6$6(6,6064686<6@6D6H6L6P6T6X6\6`6h6l6p6t6x6|66666666666666666666666666666666777 77777 7$7(7,70787<7@7D7H7L7P7T7X7\7`7d7h7l7p7t7x7|77777777777777777777778 8$8(8,8084888<8D8V8\8b8p8t8x8|88888888888888888889!9)9?9;;?>>F>u>{>>>>>>>> ?.?R?r?????@&010g0r00011H1S111111 2O2Z222234445545:55555666667777777778"9F9j9 ::;,;< >=>C>f>>>>>>>>>>>>>P2\2l222S367!747r7|77777777868J8_8f8u888 9&9>99999999: ::F:^:d:o::::N;];e;<<<<<= ==='=8=G=S=^=f===========>+>7>e>z>>>>>>7?=?k?v???????`00%0+0d0t0}000000111122C223'393J333333354G4444555555556$6C6b66667^788b8i8888888 999-9<999999999 :: :S:Y:~:::::::;;W;;;;;;, >9>I>X>h>u>~>>>>>>>?-?=?????????p00A1Z1`11111 2$2/282i2o2T6d6s666677"727?7H7$99 ::::::;;%;+;1;:;B;T;q;v;;;;;;;<#<0<7<<<\>>E>n>u>{>>>???$030N0U000071>11112 22K22223{4445 5]5z55576v6667D7K777788 8X88889:::::;N;U;k;r;;;;;;;;< J>>>>>?%???0001!1'1]1l1111111 222D2J2g2m222 3T3333p4y44456 6+6>6a667,7 88R8\8k8h:-;3;Z;m;v;;N<[ >>>>>??c?j?z?????p0$0_0n000000'10171K1z1111111 22V2]2x2~2 3<3N3a3333N4U4t44444444455<5D5\5k555555556606=6V6c6s666666677 767C7S7i7z7777777 888/8B8S8\8888888889%979@9V9c9s99999999::$:3:J:_:o:|:::::::::];d;;;;;;;;<0<9\>g>>>>>?-?:??????0"050r0y00000000 1)1;1[1{111111111 22,2L2R2p2w22222223*3C3W3n3z3333333I45555 66(676=6_6e6666667!7(7C7I778838M8a88889*:x::>;M;a;;c>k>?*?C?Y?c??????-0X0j1q1w11132T2223a3h3r333333444444555'5-5D5r555556666Z77.8J8k8888(9]999990:;:B:K:Q:X:`:y:::<===>!?1?A?Q?]?l???????111k1112+212g2y222223 3G3{33334 4+414N4T44445 5,525O5U5|555 66'6B6I6c6i6w6}6666667%757777 8 8w888 99$9=9C9v99999 :0:;:Y:n::::\;g;;;;;;;< C>K>W>e>k>}>>>>>??????D0X0s0000011R1X111!2d2222233!3.3>3C3P3Z3n33334H4a4z444445#525J5a5r55555 6/6B6L6Z6x66666666666666 77S7777777N8Y8`8i8o8v888888888888888999!9'9-9f9q9|9999991:::L:R:X:j:p:::;_